iii. External legal counsel shall annually provide hourly rates of all staff providing services and note any discounts.
iv. Student time is assumed to be considered non-billable time unless discussed and approved in advance by the University.
v. Any “duplicate” time (e.g., internal or intra-office conference or consultation time, instructions to staff, scheduling, internal staff training, duplicate attendance at meetings or court, or duplicate review of correspondence) not approved in advance, is to be discounted entirely; however, it can be noted on invoices as non-billable time.
vi. Any administrative time (e.g., scheduling, meeting co-ordination) is non-billable time.
vii. Travel time is considered to be non-billable time unless discussed and approved in advance by the University.
viii. External counsel shall not charge for file transfer to University or another counsel.
ix. New accounts are to be opened for each new matter (unless the OUC agrees otherwise) and closed immediately upon completion of the matter.
x. Invoices are to be rendered monthly unless another arrangement is agreed upon by the OUC.
xi. Disbursements are to be billed at the actual cost incurred by external counsel. Disbursements are not to include minor incidentals that are properly viewed as part of external legal counsel’s overhead, including but not limited to routine file maintenance, time checking conflicts, time spent preparing an invoice, proof reading, secretarial time, storage, rent, customary office supplies, internal copying time, cell phone charges, meals, audit checks and subscriptions to online legal services.
xii. All invoices are to be marked “Privileged and Confidential”.
xiii. All invoices are to be addressed and billed to: University of Toronto, Simcoe Hall, Room 109H, 27 King’s College Circle, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, Attention: Kristin Taylor, Office of University Counsel; or sent by email: legalinvoices@utoronto.ca